Sunday, November 14, 2010

Article Accompaniment

This was something I did as an experiment for a graphic element to accompany articles. I thought it would be interesting to use a couple characters in a few poses for an acceptedly comedic effect. This particular one was for an article I wrote explaining how to seek financial aid. I thought it was a neat idea to start, but the final result feels a bit lackluster, so I didn't bother including it. Maybe after some more practice.
While my initial vision of this was to use solidly-rendered characters, I quickly realized that wouldn't be possible for a few reasons. For one, I'm not sufficiently experienced at drawing realistic-looking humans with accurate proportions without the aid of picture guides, and then that limits my options of poses somewhat to the pictures I can find or take. This wouldn't be an issue if I had a camera, but currently I do not. This line design keeps things simple and uses negative space to an advantage, as well as making the identity of the models very difficult to discern.